
The artist Form Byte puts nature at the service of 3D printing

Vietnamese artist Duc Tran works as an architect by day and a designer by night. He created his own studio called Form Byte and regularly releases new creations, each as surprising and creative as the next. Sometimes useful, sometimes simple odes to nature, all his ideas shine with their quality of modeling.

 He affirms it bluntly, his main inspiration is nature, he says he is fascinated by "Mother nature" and all that she has achieved. He likes to remix in the "low poly" way, that is to say simplified with geometric contours, the work of nature. His collection includes an elephant, a dinosaur, a lion and a saber-toothed tiger.

"I am inspired by many things from nature, I mix everything to give life to new creations".

Regarding modeling tools, Duc Tran admits to having a soft spot for 3DS Max and AutoCAD. He has at home a RepRap Mendel Prusa I3 which he uses with the following settings: 0.8mm layer height, 0.4 shell thickness all printed at a speed of 50mm/s.

“My 3D files are designed to be printable on the majority of 3D printers and for any type of printing technology (FDM, SLS, SLA…). They are intentionally hollow inside, so I recommend printing them with 100% infill. »

When asked what his favorite designs are, he once again lets his love of nature speak for itself and quite naturally cites his many animal creations.

“These designs represent my philosophy very well, I think animals could have looked like this if God had had a computer! ".

You can download his creations on the Cults platform Here .

You can find the FormByte website  Here .